Book Case Engine

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Welcome to our publishing imprint Book Case Engine.

We are a growing publishing company . . . Going into Fall we are pleased to announce that we will publish some of the works by New York-based experimental author, Michael Brodsky.  Our recent publications include Kiki Avalon, “Nip and Tuck,” for our Heart Matters series, Edward Schmidt‘s new three plays collection, “3 Plays by Ed Schmidt,” and a new edition of Diane Shainberg,’s “Chasing Elephant.” Check out our authors.

We publish Literary Fiction, in genre fiction Thriller-Mystery, spying, war, history, romance, YA Fiction and New Adult, Theater and Film. In Non-Fiction we love Self-Help, Ecology, Political Science, Literary Criticism and Film Studies. We are in the process of casting a wider net.

We are also eager to receive manuscripts in foreign languages (untranslated literature) to publish them in their original language and/or in translation.  We accept Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian projects at the moment. We work with Lingorama who provides all our translations.

We are also eager to hear from original voices to publishing consideration.  We are looking for inspiring stories in MG, YA and New Adult fiction, literary fiction, genre fiction, especially crime/thriller/mystery, war and history and  romance, self-help, and great science, sociological and historical manuscripts. We offer both E-book and print contract.

Agents and Writers interested in sending us their work, should send us a short query first. Go to Contact.


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