Men on the Wire, episode #305

“Men on the Wire”  episode #305

Broadcast 08-12-13 at 9:30 pm on NYC Life channel 25.

Book private investigator Frank Debonair marvels at stories of courage.  But does he himself have any courage? Does investigating require him to be courageous?  He introduces his two guests who do not lack any of it.

The interview segment includes:  Philippe Petit, and his new book on knots, called “Why Knot?”  The book is replete with biographical anecdotes about all his famous climbs: the Eiffel tower, St John the Divine Cathedral, The World Trade Center.

Screen Shot 2013-08-08 at 4.52.31 PMThe second guest is a war correspondent for numerous magazines and a filmmaker:  Sebastian Junger, whose book “War” retraces his year-long rotation with Tim Hetherington in the Korengal valley in Afghanistan.  “Restrepo,” the Sundance Award winner for best documentary, was shot during this year-long experience.

Screen Shot 2013-08-08 at 4.54.32 PMBook World: Hutch Morton (Digital Premiere Publishing) discusses the reason he created a brand new publishing company, just two years ago, when most people can self-publish and bypass publishers.

The Pick of the Week includes:  Daniel James Brown, “The Boys in the Boats.” Darryl Cunningham, “How to Fake A Moon Landing.” Jerry DeWitt, “Hope After Faith,” and  Jim Marrs, “Our Occulted History.”

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