“In the Dustbin of History” EP #313

Episode #313                        “In the Dustbin of History”

Broadcasting Feb 3, 2014, NYC Life at 9:30 pm

We are resuming our series for the first time this year with an episode on historical thrillers. Frank Debonair notices that the dustbins of history are replete with losers, merely because the winners of conflicts get to write the history books and dispose of their opponents in the dustbins of history.

Screen Shot 2014-02-03 at 9.57.18 AM copyBut Frank is interested in history writers, their weight, how their narration shapes consciousness and society, and how it becomes the material for countless thrillers.  What right do they have to question the past? Can their audacity teach us something? Or can history first of all teach us anything?


The Interview segments shot at Thriller Fest include Steve Berry, Alan Topol, Greg Dinallo, and Michael Gear and Kathleen O’Neal, and Andrew Kaplan.

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For the Pick of the Week, Frank Debonair settles for an anthology special.  He features Elena Shubina, editor of “Read Russia;”  Otto Penzler, for “Kwik Krimes,”  Gardner Dozois,  for “The Year’s Best Science Fiction,” and David Henry Sterry & R.J. Martin Jr., for “Johns, Marks, Tricks, and Chickenhawks.”

The Book Case Team

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